Saturday, April 24, 2010

India:How it all started

India is one of oldest countries in world.It has cultural,lingual diversities yet bound by a common boundary.What we see now as India wasnt like this before.It ofcourse included pakistan and bangladesh as we know about partition.But around 50,000 years back it included most of parts of afganistan and myanmar too.History of India dates from last 75,000 years back which makes it one of the oldest independet countries in world.Howsoever if we go in flash back we will find no sort of boundary or LOCs etc.We will just see a group better called as Indus valley civilzation living around the banks of river.This is first civilization on India and one might say as well that india is named after river Indus dating around 2000B.C.Here is an imagination of an artist of how India might have looked that time.Thanx to google.It can give soln to everythin except money n life.:)

.As the whole world was goin with habitation of man,formation of socities,developement of civilzations.India was not unlike.India is on earth like earth is in solar system.Only earth in our celestial system can hold life likewise only india has perfect blend of everythin a man needs to support life in best way.Water,forests,minerals,agriculural land.No wonder it was very difficult for britishers to leave our country.Okk so 1st developement of india started as indus valley or commonly known in history textbooks as harrapa civilization.Its one of the oldest urban civilzations apart from mesopotamia in middle east and egyptian civilization.U can visualise it as a city containig bricked houses,drainage systems and even multi-storied houses.These guys were expert in metallurgy i.e making tools,handicrafts.Many of them can be found in todays museums.They also made seals and coins which some argue as 1st economy of Inida.

The word Mohen-jo-daro we hear most of the times is actually a city developed in harrapa/Indus valley civization.Howsoever,around 1800B.C this civilization was on decline.There are several theoris in market howsoever one which is said most probable is that IV became cooler and drier.The river lost it's much water.Also there were developement of several other civilzations which cause the human movements to other places.Howsoever it was essential as another famous and builders of HINDUstan were waiting.The Aryans,meaning warriors are said to be descendants from Iran.They laid the foundations of Hinduism and most of Indo languages.Commonly known as vedic civilization it lasted from 1500 to 500B.C.Thw writers of vedas,upnishads,mahabharata and ramayana and other epics.Founders of sanskrit and tamil language they also gifted us with principles of mathematics in form of vedic-maths.80% of us descendant of them.They chose their civilization to be settled near rivers primarily Ganga.This led to developement of civilization on whole northen gangetic plain.They wrote 4 vedas:rigveda,Samveda,atharveda and yajurveda.Rigveda is most archaic manuscript written.Some argue that it was written by IndusVC,howseoevr due to geographical and lingual diffrences its accepted as part of vedic civilization.'Ved' in sanskrit means knowledge while 'rig' is verses.It contains sacred hymnes in sanksrit most of which are used by 'pandiji' during anykinda sacred/ceremonial event.The text is organized in 10 books, known as Mandalas, of varying age and length. The "family books": mandalas 2-7, are the oldest part of the Rigveda and the shortest books; they are arranged by length and account for 38% of the text.Each mandala consists of hymnes called sutras.The sutras in turn consist of individual stanzas which are 'praises' for god.Apart from it Atharv-veda,yajur veda and sam-veda contains extended mantras and proses derived from rig-veda to ceratin extent.Sankrit as language was described by panini for very 1st time.Apart from Vedas and important category of texts written were upnishads.These are books on which most of hindu philosophy is built.There are total 11upnishads.The god we believe,his principles,the cow,ths sun,the devas,the trinity of god is found in any of upnishads.Upnishad if we break down the words we can make out up:upar ni:niche Shad:doctrine.The books which were used to preach of everything about almighty in hindu philosophy are called upnishads.The books vedas and upnishads which led to developement fo whole new religion Hinduism,undoubtedly find their place in "100 most influential books written ever"."Om" and"Swastik"originated here.

I would had liked to elaborate the Om and swastik but this is sumthin i have decided to leave for spiritual section on thurday.Even Its said ki siddharta gautam known as gauta buddha founder of buddhism was inspired by preachings in hinduistic literature and he spred this message to east and far east.This was the time when society was divided into 4 gotras:pandits,kshatriyas.vaishyas and shudras.This started the evil of caste-system which is still a matter of concern.I still dont know which of them i am definately not pandits and shudras.;)..okk continuin this period saw the emrgence of kings and rulers thus an advent of political organisation for d 1st time.Cattle were held in high esteem and frequently appear in Rigvedic hymns; goddesses were often compared to cows.Diety worship started in this era.Barter system was a source of trade and economy.Howsoever this started to descen at around 500 B.C with the advent of Mauryas.!!wat happened next..To know come back on same blog next week..Bonne nuit au revoir bole to goodnight n take care..:)

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